Maintenance 2018/09/22

I finally got the headstone for Preston Bradshaw repaired. I scrubbed out all of the moss that was growing in where the stone had cracked, and then epoxied the stone together and ratchet strapped it while it cured. Unfortunately while the stone is glued back together, there is still a large crack that could allow moisture to penetrate and expand. I struggle with knowing just how much to do to preserve and maintain vs. how much is too much and really alters the original stone. Next I did the regular mowing, which wasn’t too bad; the weeds were only about seven or eight inches high. Finally, I remapped about two thirds of the cemetery, getting to the first 57 graves. I plan to get to the remaining 30ish graves in a couple of weeks. If I can figure out how to post the spreadsheets with the grave info, I will hopefully get that done soon as well.